The Photographer

Dean Middleton

Open Your Eyes

I started photography quite late in life, only 13-15 years ago and really by accident. Probably like most people it was on holiday when asked to take my daughter photo with my small smart phone (I won't make her blush by showing it) and the picture wasn't that bad.

However it was the coastal background that opened my eyes. I noticed how the light shining against the water and the rocks were so beautful. The clouds just above the cliffs created such a amazing vista. So I thought can I do that again?

So I tried, it didn't work straight away but I tried again and slowly the results got better. I was hooked. Later buying a Lumia 950 phone with a better camera, then my first starter Nikon DLSR camera and the rest is history.

For me photography and particularly landscape photography is an escape from the busy stressful modern world. It allows me to walk away from other people often with my lovely dog 'Clover' and just appreciate the sheer beauty of what nature has to offer. The way the sun dipping behind the clouds at the end of the day beams colour across a wheat field creating a master piece in front of you.

It was then I thought why not print some of my images and to my surprise a few people actually asked if they could purchase some to put on their walls. So I did and now I sell them to who ever appreciates them and its become more than just a hobby. I still appreciate our long rambles across the countryside and trips to remote rural wildernesses, now I have now been joined by Sidney, the new dog on the block. I am just a little more critical about my images and I won't be scared to add a little saturation in Lightroom to get the picture as I remember seeing it. Its art after all.

If you are interested in seeing any of my images, please just click on the gallery tab and don't hesitate to contact me for more imformation.

Dean Middleton